Thursday, November 1, 2012

What Social Media Strategy Is Suppose to Deliver

by After Interactive

Many business professionals are pitched to by social media "gurus" talking about abstract principles that may not make any sense but still fall to the spell of fancy new age words.  When being pitched by these so called "gurus", business owners have to remember one thing:  they are running a business not a social media frat house.  Any marketing effort has to grow the business and have a metric based ROI.  So when it comes to social media marketing, what should the results actually look like?  Below is an email we recently sent to a satisfied client showing the results we delivered to them in a short amount of time.

Dear Client,

As promised, here are a few facts to cover how social media has affected your marketing and website results over the last 3 months:


Last 3 months compared to last year:

Visits 1,459.65% increase
Unique Visitors 1,365.00% increase Pageviews 889.90% increase
New Visitor 62.65% increase Returning Visitor 37.35% increase
Visits via Social Referral 8,900.00% increase


458 Fans (we took over when you had about 150)
98% of of Fans are female and located in or around the Metroplex!
Reached over 60,000 people


167 Followers (we took over when you had about 25)
48 Direct Interactions with Posts
Lots of PR and Exposure through groups like: Grapevine COC, City of Grapevine, CEO of Stroller Strides, and many others.
Since you have chosen to educate your audience through social media, your competition is following you as well!

1,526,019 Impressions
415 Clicks on Ads
148 Actions (Shares, Likes, or Clicks on Ads)
147 Page Likes (Liked your Facebook page)


If each new lead is valued around an average of $72 (varies based on number of visits, etc..), then we have generated a value of $51,264 for your practice in a 3 month period….of which, one month was set up and event promotion…not lead generation.
These numbers speak volumes and we look forward to continue helping you grow your practice!


After Interactive

The results above show what social media based on strategy and measured with metrics can produce. If your company's social media guru isn't producing results growing your business it may be time to show him/her the door.

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